10 Questions to Ask when booking business class flights during Covid-19As you’re planning your trip abroad, certain essential details need to be hashed out: when are you going to land, where, and whether there will be any layovers, for example. As vital as these things are to your flight schedule, Covid-19 has turned the tables on airline companies repeatedly, making the answers to these questions uncertain at best. So, what should you know as you’re booking business class flights during the pandemic? We’ll help you figure out the right questions to ask your airline ticketing agent when booking a business class flight, to ensure a smooth flying experience.
What’s the travel situation?
One of the most effective questions you can ask your travel agent from the start is about the kind of travel restrictions put in place. It’s often faster and more efficient to have someone research that for you, and your agent is the perfect person to trust with that task.
Can you choose the seats?
If traveling with family or friends, you’ll want to make sure you ask that. It’s both a safer and more pleasant experience, making your flight overall more relaxing. Often, business class tickets will allow free choice of your seat.
Lounge access?
One of the great benefits of booking a business class flight is that it almost always gives you access to a separate lounge, before boarding your flight, which can help with social distancing. Make sure you get a ticket that includes it!
Layover situation?
When booking a flight, especially if it’s in limited supply, layovers can offer you a fantastic way of finding the cheapest business classitinerary options.
Necessary paperwork
It’s smart to ask whether you’ll need any extra paperwork to bring with you, before boarding. Some companies may require you to have taken a COVID-19 test no less than 24 hours beforehand, for example.
Special regulations
Traveling during the pandemic also means there are special regulations your airline service may put in place to diminish the risk of infection. Make sure to get informed and comply with them, as they contribute to everyone’s health and safety.
To quarantine or not to quarantine? That is the question you should be asking. Pay extra attention when booking business class flights to Europe, as each country has a different stance on the necessity of a post-flight quarantine, which can last up to 14 days.
Ticket flexibility
It’s incredibly useful to figure out how flexible your tickets are, in case of delays, change of plans, or even temporary travel restrictions. If you’re using business class airlines, none of these should be a problem, but it’s always best to figure it out sooner rather than later.
Mid-flight service and the amenities provided in business and first-class are the cherries on top of your flying experience. It can be great to know what to expect and prepare accordingly. For example, if you don’t eat the morning before your flight and you’re only provided with a small snack package, it might lessen your experience.
Miles and flight-bonuses
Now is a perfectly great time to use the Miles system, if you’ve got points stored up. Your luxury travel agency will help you make the right decision and maximize your miles usage. Added service options and special options will make it worth it. Traveling business class will make sure you’re going to have a more pleasant experience, and most likely a safer one, as well, provided you ask the necessary questions. Remember, information is power, so make sure to ask all of your questions upfront before it’s possibly too late.